Occupation status options on the registration page

As a UK Gambling Commission licensed operator, Slots Temple require players to provide information on the registration page. In relation to this, you may be asked to provide your current occupation status.


This list comprises of four options, and below is further clarification on which one to select if you are unsure:

  • Employed - please select this if you are self-employed, or in full-time or part-time paid employment.
  • Not employed - please select this if you are currently not in paid employment. For example, if you are between jobs, unable to work, a homemaker, a volunteer or a carer.
  • Student - please select this if you are in full-time education with no paid employment.
  • Retired - please select this if you are retired and no longer in paid employment.


Please rest assured that any information provided will not shared with any other organisations. For any further questions, please contact Customer Support.

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